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Circle of Life

1 Hour
Book Program
Year Levels


A life cycle depicts the changes a living thing goes through during its life. In some cases, this process is slow and gradual but in others the process is quick. Mayflies have the shortest life cycle on Earth. Their life only lasts 24 hours, but some species only last a few hours.

Prior Knowledge

No prior knowledge is required.

This is a stand-alone Outreach program and should not be booked in conjunction with the onsite program ‘Life cycles’ as it covers some of the same content.

Key Learning Question

How do lifecycles differ between animals?

Learning Intentions

In this program students will:

  • Define the term life cycle
  • Learn the life cycle of a frog, insect and reptile.


Students will:

  • Observe a leaf insect, frog and lizard
  • Discuss the life cycles of the insect, frog and lizard
  • Sequence the life cycle of an amphibian.

Victorian Curriculum

Science - Biological sciences

  • Living things can be grouped on the basis of observable features and can be distinguished from non-living things (VCSSU057)
  • Different living things have different life cycles and depend on each other and the environment to survive (VCSSU058)

Learning Continuum

The following Learning Continuum is a guide for teachers to show the links between the programs Ecolinc offers onsite, online and through outreach. The Learning Continuum can be used to access Ecolinc resources to support the development of units of work.

Ecolinc Learn Online is an online learning management system offering interactive online courses for students and teachers. These courses can be undertaken either as a pre-visit, post-visit or stand-alone. Students are encouraged to do the post-learning course after the Outreach program.

Outreach programs are conducted by an Ecolinc education officer at your school. They are available to moderately disadvantaged primary schools in the Geelong, Ballarat and western suburbs areas (or within 100km radius from Bacchus Marsh).


☞ Circle of Life

Learn Online Post-program:

☞ Amazing Lifecycles – The Kangaroo